The Membercard allows you to great adventures at a special rate.
Price: CHF 47 per year, incl. shipping in Switzerland (excl. 2.- expenses for postal payment). Guests living abroad have to pay the additional shipping fee of plus CHF 10 (total CHF 55, bank charges to be paid by the guest).
The card is not automatically renewed.
and that's how it works:
1. please read the terms and conditions carefully.
2. order the ticket via the form below.
3. after your order you will receive an e-mail in which you have to confirm it with a link (please also check your spam folder)
4. almost there :-) Make a deposit now and as soon as we have received the amount, you will receive your personal Membercard (after receipt of payment 7-10 working days).
IMPORTANT: as a gift please register via Mail >
Please transfer the money to:
Raiffeisenbank Benken / bank code (bank clearing) 81256
CH12 8125 6000 0043 0543 4, Tourism - 8730 Uznach
By ordering the membercard you accept the general terms and conditions of
Data protection is pleased about your interest in our services. The protection of your privacy when processing personal data is an important concern for us, which we take into account in our business processes.
You can find more information about our privacy policy under the following link: Data protection